It is time to think about reorganization of the Constitution Party this spring. We will closely follow the SC Code with a grassroots structure in view. We will start with precinct organization. Precinct reorganization is scheduled for March, and county reorganization is scheduled for April. The specific date and time for each county will be set by the county chair. Look in our website for information on the call for your county. Precinct organization and county reorganization conventions do not need to be publicly announced like state conventions.
At the beginning of the precinct reorganization, people from the county will separate into groups by precinct, elect a precinct captain (and lieutenant, if enough volunteers), and elect delegates to the county convention to be held in the following month. This is designed to help us organize literature distribution and any other precinct-level activities.
In our bylaws, Article VIII Selection of Delegates To County, State, and National Conventions, states, "1. Delegates to county, state, and national conventions of the Party will be appointed by the State Chairman, subject to confirmation by majority vote of the Central Committee."
In accordance with Article VIII, all members elected by precinct reorganization to be a county delegate are subject to approval for appointment by the state chairman, subject to approval by majority vote of the State Central Committee during the interim between the precinct reorganization and the county reorganization, to be appointed as a county delegate. Dues for 2025 should be included by each proposed delegate to be considered for approval as a county delegate. Each voter residing in that county who states his or her desire to be a party member and county delegate, is qualified by law, agrees not to participate in any other party precinct, county, or state convention or state primary, and is elected by the precinct organization members will be provided at precinct organization with the relevant form to complete along with a 2025 membership form to complete with dues. The completed forms should be submitted by the end of the precinct reorganization meeting. Only members from a county who have been elected at precinct organization to be a county delegate and appointed by the state chairman with majority approval of the state committee may be a voting delegate at the county convention for that election cycle. A resident of the county does not need to be present at precinct organization organization to be appointed as a delegate so long as he or she is qualified, has completed all forms and paid dues for 2025, is elected by the attendees at the precinct organization meeting, and is appointed a county delegate by the state chairman, subject to approval by majority vote of the state central committee.
A call for an organizational meeting in any county that was not organized in the previous election cycle can be made only by a person appointed to do so by the state chairman, subject to confirmation by majority vote of the State Central Committee. The State Central Committee will not approve any list of county delegates or recognize any county organization unless this requirement is followed.
Anyone who wishes to organize a previously unorganized county for our party should write the state chairman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Only Cherokee, Greenville, and Pickens Counties were organized in the previous election cycle. Note that state law allows a county to be organized if there is just one party member in that county. There are specific procedures that must be followed by state law and our by-laws to organize a county.
Any voter residing in an unorganized county may join the state party only as a member-at-large. A member-at-large is not allowed to run as a party candidate for civil office, run for party office, or to represent the party in any way without written approval from the state chairman, subject to majority approval by the State Central Committee. A member-at-large may attend, as a visitor, any party county meeting or convention (subject to approval by the county chairman) and any state meeting or convention (subject to approval by the state chairman).